Thursday, May 29, 2008

Update from the ICA

Sorry that we haven't written in quite some time, but we have been busily preparing for our film screening on May 30, which includes five pieces from ZERO1 grant recipients! The students have been working hard these past few weeks, finalizing their work and getting feedback from their mentors.

Last week the students completed their pieces and the big unveiling happens tomorrow at the ICA theater. We had quite the range of projects: a documentary about bottled water vs. tap water, a 5.1 surround sound piece on pain (experimental documentary), a playful comedy about a daydreamer, a narrative on what happens when a friend ventures down a path you don't approve of, and a short film that explores the moment one teen decides to muster up a little chutzpah. We'll let you know when we post the films on our blog.

We look forward to seeing everyone's work!

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