Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hello from I.C.E. NYC

Hi. I am Meryl Meisler, digital art teacher (and Admissions Director) at Institute for Collaborative Education in NYC.
I.C.E. is a small, progressive grades 6-12 NYC public school.

Here is some information about our "Sustenance and Sustainability" project:
The interdisciplinary project (art, technology, science, environmental studies, writing...) will be created by our 63 6th grade students. The students go to science (teacher Yvette Valdez) every day for 50 minutes. They go to Digital Art (teacher Meryl) four times a week.

We received a Forestry Bus Tour Grant, and will take the 6th grade to the Croton Reservoir during the month of April. The students will meet and interview environmentalists to learn about maintaining and sustaining our water system. We will document with video and still images the sites and sounds of the Croton system. We plan to create multi-media PSAs about Sustenance and Sustainability of the NYC Reservoir System.

In addition, the students are creating "The Comic Life of Plants", animated movies with voice overs that educate the viewer about the life and times of plants- what they need for sustenance and how to sustain them.

We are so psyched!

1 comment:

Meryl Meisler said...

Jessica of Common Ground Consulting met with Yvette Valdes and Meryl Meisler of I.C.E. to discuss tentative schedule for our bus trip to Croton Reservoir next month, April 30, 2008-

8:30 am - Depart ICE
10:00 am - Arrive at Croton Gorge Park (Route 129, Cortlandt, NY http://www.westchestergov.com/parks/parkslocations02/CrotonGorgePark.htm)
- bathroom break and introduction to day/split into three groups
10:15 - 10:45 - 1st station
10:50 - 11:20 - 2nd station
11:25 - 11:55 - 3rd Station
12:00 - 1:00 pm - Lunch
1:00 - 2:00 pm - Walk up nature trail to top of dam to view reservoir
2:15 pm - Depart for home
3:30 pm - Arrive back at ICE

The stations will be:
1. DEP police officer talking about safety and protocols, a question and answer station. Students should come prepared with questions.
2. A sustainability talk about the watershed with DEP personnel. This would include talking about the unfiltered water supply and the partnership programs that go into keeping it unfiltered. I can make a up a handout to go along with this one for the kids so they can see the information after the tour.
3. A art/recording station. This one would probably be run by Meryl as mentioned on Tuesday. The kids could do nature journals or anything of the sort. I am more than willing to help out with this one!

Also, we can all do the nature talk and walk at the same time. Jessica can lead the group up the trail and we can do a tree id, maybe some bark and leaf rubbings and then when we get to the top, we can take a group picture for everyone to remember.

Unforseen problem- the bus company that gave us the lowest quote does not seem to be responding now that we got the $1500 grant for the bus. So, if we are truly short of other buses quotes we will have to ask each student to chip in around $6.