Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Discovery Youth, San Jose, CA

Hi, this is Ryan Smith, assitant director of Youth Programs, writing from Children's Discovery Youth of San Jose.

First, a bit about our media-based afterschool program, Discovery Youth. Discovery Youth is a free program for youth in grades 5th - 12th. Our program breaks down into three basic elements: digital photography, film, and web. Projects focus around the interests and concerns of program participants, typically centering on issues of community and culture, giving a voice to our diverse group. In addition, Discovery Youth fulfils a number of service learnig projects in Silicon Valley by volunteering at various organizations in the area. In the past we have been involved with Adobe Youth Voices, Cinequest, and 01 San Jose, among others. Our work is also displayed on the official Discovery Youth website, http://www.getchy.com/. Please visit us to see work we have completed in the past.

Our 01 project will be an extension of our digital photography/Photoshop unit of this year. Because 01 will be held in our wonderful city, and becuase the youth in our program feel very connected to San Jose, our project will be based on how youth see their community, showcasing the elements of San Jose they feel deserve to be seen by a larger audience. It is very exciting for us to be participating in the festival this year.

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